Twannotations? You Know You Twant Them

twitter logoThe laws of new technology dictate that when one technology trend is successful, it can, nay must spawn a thousand follow up add-ons, also-rans and tie-ins.

Twannotations is the latest addition to the successful Twitter platform, the idea being that you can add the letters T and W to any English word and create an add-on to aid you in your tweetings.

Twannotations will Twallow you to add Twadditional information to your tweets outside the 140 character limit.

For example, you can tweet 140 characters about how you really can’t fit much information in a single Tweet, then add your mood and some keywords as Twannotations. Yes, it’s awful, but give it a week and we’ll all be doing it.

Source: Technicavita


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