Lately, there have been rumblings that much-beloved Twitter might start to turn a little evil and begin to compete with the huge economy of third-party apps that has sprung up around the service.
Well, it looks like those rumors are at least partly true, as today Twitter announced an official Blackberry client. Here’s a list of the app’s features:
- Real-time BlackBerry push of Twitter direct messages
- Camera and photo gallery integration
- Browser integration for Tweeting links
- Customizable interface for changing fonts, hiding tool bars, etc.
- Inbox integration so you can read your Twitter direct messages along side your email and text messages
- @integration so that if you receive an email or text message which includes an @username, it is linked to the Twitter app profile page
- Twitter lists integration
- Notification of @mentions
- Search for users, content, and trending topics
- Localized for French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Brazilian Portuguese
Sounds pretty impressive and robust.
But just through sheer name-recognition alone, it seems likely that most people will ditch third-party apps like TwitterBerry in favor of this one, especially if they are just casual users unfamiliar with the differences between apps.
One wonders if it’s just a matter of time until Twitter releases a desktop client or official iPhone app – and sends Tweetdeck, Tweetie and others to early graves. It’d be much preferable if Twitter remain everyone’s favorite ‘startup’ and let all those third-party developers continue to thrive.
[via: SAI]
It’s true. I abandoned TwitterBerry for Twitter for Blackberry.
But not because of the name thing. I did it because TwitterBerry was, um, lame. It stopped working on me all the time, and I ended up pretty much abandoning Twitter. The new TfB app has me using Twitter again 🙂