Twitter’s analytics dashboard is now available to everyone

Back in July, Twitter launched a really nifty analytics dashboard. A bit like Google Analytics for tweets, it allows you to gauge the performance of each and every tweet you sent. How many people saw it? How many of those actually clicked your links? There was one catch, though: it was only open to advertisers and verified users. No longer! Now you too can obsess way too hard over the performance of every tweet you send! Hurray!

Anything that can be measured, can be improved, or so the saying goes. For those of you out there who love to keep track on just how your social media accounts are doing, here we are with word that Twitter has rolled out its analytic dashboard to the masses, which means it is no longer restricted to just marketers, verified users and Twitter Card publishers.With the Twitter analytic dashboard, users are able to check out all of the unique details of their Twitter account, including the number of impressions that each tweet has picked up, all the way to the total number of favorites that their tweet has received, the amount of times that other folks have clicked on their profiles (out of curiosity or otherwise, we will never know), not to mention the grand total of retweets and replies on a certain tweet. Apart from that, your ego can be boosted (or deflated) by checking out the number of times that users are engaged with a tweet, as well as what that kind of engagement was.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.

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