As a a self-described “expert in cloud communication APIs,” Nexmo is in an excellent position to track communications trend and predict what kind of trends we can expect to see in the near future. That’s exactly what the company has done over the past few months, and has published the results in a series of articles known as “Future of Communications.”
Over the past three months, we have been exploring the future of communications. We’ve looked at everything from what types of companies are using SMS, to asking how safe are your Bitcoins? In our final instalment in this series, we collect the biggest trends together to give you an overview on where communications will be going in the next few years, and how you can capitalize on it right now. SMS, Push and Email notifications have their own use cases: Email, push notifications and SMS are all popular methods of communicating with customers. While there are different advantages and disadvantages to using each channel, timing plays the largest role in choosing between the three messaging channels. If you are trying to send information to existing customers about your product, push notifications and email are the ways to go. However, for larger audience reach, timeliness and important information delivery, SMS provides the urgency and flexibility to give customers valuable content at the most precise time.