Home Amazon Will Amazon ever be able to live down the Prime Day debacle?

Will Amazon ever be able to live down the Prime Day debacle?


All of Amazon’s talk about Prime Day turned out to be just that: talk. In the days following the lackluster fake holiday that was supposed to be packed with awesome sales, Amazon has received endless criticism and ridicule from customers and comedians alike. One YouTube event went to far as to create a satirical video advertising “Amazon Prime Day 2” which pretty much summed up how we all feel. 

As we’ve said in the past, the plethora of lame Amazon Prime Day deals was the worst First World Crisis to hit North America since Apple gave everyone a free U2 album. This traumatic experience was so disappointing that people are still ragging on Amazon for letting them down nearly a full week later. YouTube user ThinkHeroPro on Monday posted a satirical video that announced an “Amazon Prime Day 2″ that was supposed to make up for last week’s weak deals with better ones. As you can guess, however, the deals offered by “Prime Day 2″ were even worse. The video has received nearly 200,000 views as of this writing and has also become a big hit on Reddit. None of this Internet rage stopped Amazon from posting record sales on Prime Day, we should note. Nonetheless, the whole video is very funny and can be found below.


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