There is absolutely nothing I can say here that isn’t expressed in the headline of this post or punctuated by the absolutely excellent photoshop I have compiled to illustrate it.. The world’s longest active, working, honest-to-goodness email address, at time of writing this, is 345 characters long, and owned by Peter Craig. I think mine’s, like… 18? Even then, people sometimes can’t remember. Maybe Peter just doesn’t like getting mail. Maybe Peter likes being mistaken for a spam bot. Maybe Peter is batsh*t insane. Whatever the case, until Peter is inevitably dethroned by a new challenger who has read this post and stepped up to bat, he will continue to hold the distinguished record. Isn’t that rad? That’s rad. Peter is rad.
If you’d like to send Peter an email about how rad he is, he can be conveniently reached at:
You can make any gmail address super long. will get sent to This means I can make one longer just by adding tons of random letters before my address.I use this as a great way to figure out who is selling my e-mail address to spammers so I can be mad at them.
Thats long! He definitely doesnt want mail
Hi, I am shocked there is 345 character emails. It is to long too remember. Interesting post.
Lol… How he might have memoried 345 characters 😉