Xbox One owners will soon be able to view their data on the Xbox website

It has been over six months since Microsoft released its next generation game console, the Xbox One. Millions of units have already been shipped out around the globe and the community’s size swells with each passing day. Microsoft’s Larry Hryb a.k.a Major Nelson reveals that one of the most requested community features is the ability to view Xbox One data on The company has listened and responded accordingly. Microsoft has confirmed that starting next week, Xbox One owners will be able to view their Achievements, profile, game clips, followers and friends on will soon allow users to view gameplay clips, friends, followers and more as part of their Xbox One profile, Microsoft’s Larry Hryb announced via a new video. In the video above, Hryb explains that profile pages have been completely redesigned; users can view their profile picture, reputation, online friends and game clips for “the first time ever.” Players will also be able to view gameclips from friends on their respective pages. “You can play the game clips right there on there on the profile page,” Hryb says. “But you can also ‘View All’ to view all of your saved and uploaded game clips.” Additionally, players can compare their game achievements against friends. The new features will be available “beginning next week.” began displaying Xbox One achievements earlier this month.

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