Oh, Japan. You’ll never cease coming up with the best stuff. Why, just last night I was regaling a friend about ‘head bath’, which is a bathtub. For the top of your head. It’s a hat, that– no, really, this exists. Don’t give me that lip. I’m not taking any guff today. Not from you. Guff-free Thursdays up in here.
Anyway, I guess I was talking about something. We’ll get back to head bath later; right now, let’s rap about Smell-O-Vision.
You may remember Smell-O-Vision – a technology from the 1960’s, Smell-O-Vision was a fad that was designed to release smells in sync with on-screen action. Of course, it didn’t exactly pan out. Smells lasted far too long, the machine was noisy, and it was kind of a mess.
But fast-forward a half-century, and researchers from Keio University in Tokyo have taken the first steps to making the Food Network that much more irresistible to would-be dieters.
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