It might seem like a lot of money to spend on over 3/4 of a million apps on the App Store, but then again, it’s really not that huge of an amount when you consider just how much money is made by developers and Apple as a result of our mobile addictions.
It’s been less than a decade since the first iPhones hit the market, but most can hardly remember a time without them. In 2012, the average user downloaded 80 apps per device. This is eight times more than in 2008 when there were only 10 apps downloaded for every one device. There have been a lot of studies on the number of apps downloaded – remember the 50 billionth app download winner last May? – but what do we really know about the breakdown of the App Store? What could the 50th billion app download winner buy with that $10,000 iTunes gift card? That’s exactly what I wanted to uncover.