Home Facebook Zuckerberg believes we’ll be able to send emotions to each other soon

Zuckerberg believes we’ll be able to send emotions to each other soon


For many people, it’s hard enough to accurately convey their feelings in person, let alone through a message or post on the Internet. However, just as we can instantaneously share messages, photos, and videos with the people we know thanks to the power of social networks, Mark Zuckerberg believes we’ll be able to do the same thing with emotions. This was one of the many things that the Facebook CEO talked about at a Q&A session earlier this week, as well as other interesting and futuristic technology like artificial intelligence. 

Mark Zuckerberg believes that one day we’ll be able to directly share emotions, thoughts, and sensory feedback with each other, just as we currently share text, photos, and videos through social networks. “You’ll be able to think of something and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too,” the Facebook CEO said, his comments coming as part of a lengthy question-and-answer session hosted on the wall of his own Facebook profile. In addition to telepathy, Zuckerberg addressed a wide range of topics during the session, including Facebook’s AI research efforts, the social network’s real name policy, and the inspiration for poking. The Q&A drew questions from famous faces too, with questions on scientific study and the importance of working out coming from Stephen Hawking and Arnold Schwarzenegger respectively. Publishing mogul Arianna Huffington also got a question in, asking about the future of online news. Zuckerberg said he foresaw trends toward “richness and speed” from news outlets, making use of videos and new technology such as virtual reality — not surprising for the company that purchased Oculus for $2 billion. As for increasing the speed of the news, he said there was “an important place for news organizations that can deliver smaller bits of news faster and more frequently in pieces,” but that he wasn’t sure that anyone had “fully nailed” this yet. Conveniently, Facebook — with its new instant articles — is ideally placed to facilitate the future Zuckerberg imagines.


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