28 Days Later: iPad Turns 1 Million Users Into Zombies

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Well, that was quick.

Apple has announced that it sold it’s millionth iPad this past Friday, after only 28 days on the market. Said Stevie “Wonder” Jobs:

“One million iPads in 28 days—that’s less than half of the 74 days it took to achieve this milestone with iPhone. Demand continues to exceed supply and we’re working hard to get this magical product into the hands of even more customers.”

Magical, huh? So you mean, like, necromancy, right Steve? Perhaps hypnotism? In addition, users have already syphoned their money into Apple’s hands to the tune of 12 million iPad apps.

One million iPads. Christ, well, it seems Apple is still leading the charge, then. With the market still poised to be flooded by competing devices – including Microsoft’s imminent Courier Ahem – Jobs’d better have a few more ‘magical’ tricks up his sleeve.

Hey, speaking of the iPad: you know those giant novelty calculators they sell at Staples?

Just sayin’.

[Via Apple PR]


  1. Sure, no rivals (yet), zillions of sales!

    Steve! wake up!! your app store is doomed to fail, cloud or no cloud, you’re not powerful enough to knock out Google, Micy, Adobe at the same time, you’ll lose!!!

    My bet so far (waiting for HP Slate, Google tablet)


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