7 useful websites that help get your startup running sooner

startup running sooner

Every startup is in a phase of development looking to add some type of new feature or user accessibility to their company. In most cases, building a website from the ground up and including multifaceted elements can be extremely time consuming and usually involves a vast array of professionals in order to get the job done. The entire process ends up being slow and drawn out either due to a breakdown in communication or by having its development be dependent on someone else’s schedule.

One key factor for any startup is to be in control of your time management in order for it to be successful. Time plays a major role in how well the startup or its features are perceived by its audience. All users, customers, and/or clients want what they want instantly, especially now with how technologically advance most of them are. We live in a world of instant messages, tweets of 140 characters or less and texting. If customers can’t do something quickly and immediately than they move on to other companies who can. Therefore, the problem in customers getting what they want usually lies with the business not having the capability of giving it to them.

Startups need a leg up from their competitors by providing customers what they desire as quickly as possible, rather than 6 months down the road. As we are all fully aware, each customer has their own expectations of what a startup should offer and if it is not provided to them they will look elsewhere. Do not let time management be the reason why your startup does not succeed.

Take control of the time spent on certain features and with your startup as a whole. Grab the attention of your audience by offering services your competitors do not have yet and make the development of your startup an easier process by using websites that help cut down on the time it takes to get the job done.

Here are 7 useful websites that will save you time and get your startup running sooner.

time to start

1. Olark – See all of your sites activity in real-time via your IM client and connect with customers by chatting with them directly on your site using Olark’s customizable chat box. They also provide a live team chat system where team members can be logged into different chat clients from multiple locations at once and this can also be done through mobile.

Olark has Google Analytics, CRM and Helpdesk integration, which gives you powerful reporting and allows all your important customer interactions to be in one place. The installation on your website is easy to do with the simple copy and paste of JavaScript.

2. DailyCred – As a result of simply signing up, adding a logo and a link of your website to DailyCred’s site, they will create various account systems for you, which include, password resets, session cookies, email verification, and all of the user interface you require for sign in, and sign up. The setup is easy and done through connecting to their OAuth, which is found on their website.

Most users want to sign up to new websites using their email address, through integrating DailyCred into your website, you can provide this option. Plus, you own your user’s data, which you can take with you at any time. DailyCred also offers world class security with the implementation of “https” so your clients do not have to worry about privacy or security issues while using your website.

3. Searchify – Add custom full-text search to your website or app with a simple application program interface (API) through Searchify. Allow your website users to easily navigate through your site with a powerful hosted search that provides professional search results, via Searchify.

4. Stripe – Make your website a place where customers can purchase your products and/or services using a payment system that accepts credit cards online, by adding Stripe’s application program interface (API) to your site. Stripe takes care of everything and no other service is required for you to use it. They will store cards, subscriptions, and do direct payouts to your bank account. Stripe lets you build your own payment form and there are no setup fees, monthly fees, card storage fees, or hidden costs. Stripe will only charge you when you earn money. Sites already using Stripe as their online payment service are Foursquare, Shopify, and FastCompany, along with countless others.

5. Sendgrid – Have a cloud-based email infrastructure added to your website to increase customer communication, satisfaction and revenue. Save time, money, and resources for Sendgrid will take care of all the technical details, which allows you to focus more on your business. Sendgrid provides a custom application program interface (API) that you can easily integrate into your startup’s website so that you can quickly begin sending emails. You can also track your email campaigns through their real-time analytics.

6. Chartbeat – Instead of waiting on your website analytics, get real- time data from Chartbeat. No longer will you have to try and figure out your site’s data either, Chartbeat will simplify all the data for you and because it is in real-time you can use it when it matters most.

Chartbeat will tell you what your audience is doing, such as, how long visitors have been on your website, how far they have scrolled down a webpage, and if they are writing, idle, or reading.

7. Mogotest Wonder if your website is working correctly? Could it be possible it is only showing up on some browsers, but not all? Mogotest enables you to see if your website is working properly in all of the major browsers and will alert you when something needs to be fixed.

You can easily integrate your existing testing and deployment tools into Mogotest via their application program interface (API), which is found on their website. No programming is required for it is as simple as adding a set of URLs. Mogotest also provides you with a Site Health Report to ensure that your live website is configured properly.



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