What do you need to know about digital asset management?

How much time do you spend searching for files, stock photos, and presentations each week?  The average per person is two hours.  But what if there were a way to cut that time way down?  Digital asset management software can do just that.

Digital assets are all the files you create at work.  While it may be easy to access your own information, when you have to collaborate with someone on a project time is spent asking for and waiting for files.  If there’s an old project that relates to your new project, you have to sift through old information trying to find what’s relevant.  And if you have to convert a project to a digestible format for a client, you often have to use additional software to accomplish that.

Digital asset management software can make all those things easier.  Files can be easily shared among colleagues, making collaboration more convenient.  Old projects can more easily be incorporated into newer projects.

The cost of implementing a digital asset management system involves both time and money.  After the software is installed, employees have to be trained an average of four hours in how to use it. DAM_ROI_Extensis


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