Do I need cloud hosting?

The top quality web hosting sites of today are using cloud hosting for optimal website functionality. However, though its use is becoming widespread, some business owners are still not exactly sure what cloud hosting is and why it’s beneficial. “Cloud hosting” is a buzz phrase that has taken the business world by storm, and for good reason.

To state it simply, cloud computing involves a means to store and access data through the Internet rather than a local hard drive. Everything happens remotely, or in the “cloud,” which is essentially a nickname for a remote server accessible via the Internet.

While your business may not need cloud functionality yet, chances are you will in the future, especially as the cloud continues to become standard across many industries. To determine whether or not you need cloud hosting, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my business data secure? When we talk about security, there are two different ideas to keep in mind. First, is your data secure from hackers and other entities that would exploit sensitive information for profit, potentially harming your business and your clients? Second, do you have backup copies of your data in case of loss or corruption? Data security practices are vital for any business, and cloud hosting services typically offer back-up services that help keep your data secure and intact, and allow for easy and convenient recovery in case of loss or corruption.
  • Is your current hosting solution flexible? As your business continues to grow, you’ll require more bandwidth and digital storage space to handle the increased traffic. Your web hosting solution must be scalable to accommodate increased needs and prevent a disruption of service. With cloud hosting, such shifts are easily accommodated, and don’t require new hardware and upgrades like traditional hosting solutions.
  • Is your executive suite tech savvy? Usually, CIOs and CTOs are the first to drive businesses to switch to cloud hosting. The stronger your IT team, the more likely cloud hosting will be a beneficial change for your business, because cloud solutions typically provide ongoing and cutting edge solutions for common hosting challenges. Your IT team or CIO should also be able to confirm your transition to cloud computing meets all data regulation requirements and expectations.
  • Does your business rely on quick digital services? Traditional server hardware can be slow to respond, especially when compared to modern cloud-based hardware. If your processes require high speed delivery without compromising security, cloud hosting is essential. Latency is rarely an issue for high quality cloud services, due to the significant investments in hardware and bandwidth made by professional cloud service providers.

The benefits of cloud computing are significant for many businesses. Reliable cloud providers will protect your data and provide automatic backup services, which guard against data loss or corruption resulting from on-site disasters.

Whether you invest in cloud computing or select a traditional hosting service, it’s essential to partner with a reputable provider trusted for robust and reliable products. Cloud computing is a major business that’s also growing rapidly, poised to exceed $100 billion this year alone.

But if now isn’t the time for making the switch to cloud hosting and other cloud-based services, there are plenty of other viable options. Shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting are growing in popularity, due to significant performance upgrades as compared to traditional hosting options. As competition heats up in the online marketing sphere, website speed is not only important for creating a great user experience; it also represents a growing factor in search engine ranking algorithms.

When it comes to web hosting, don’t think of it as whether you should select shared, VPS, cloud, or dedicated hosting. Rather, assess your needs by asking the most important questions, and choose the right product for your needs; one that can scale with your business as it grows.


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