80 million users for Instagram in less time than Facebook or Twitter

 80 Million Users for Instagram in Less Time than Facebook or Twitter

The next Social Media giant is right before our eyes, known as the photo filtering and sharing social mobile app, Instagram. Although its launch date was in October of 2010 it has gained 80 million users in less than two years. It took Facebook nearly 4 years after its initial launch and Twitter 5 years before its user base reached 100 million, so with 20 million more users Instagram will hit the 100 million mark.

It will not be surprising if they do prior to their 2 year anniversary since their user base has increased by 166% after opening up on two mobile platforms, iOS and Android as well as the recent acquisition by Facebook this past April. In a six month span, Instagram gained 15 million users then another 20 million in a 2 month span then another 30 million since June of this year. So what would be 20 million more right?

The double tapping heart action is addicting and the easy access of sliding around the world is appealing. We cannot wait to see if Instagram will take to the web in the near future and to what extent its user base will grow if they do, we’re sure it will be impressive. We would like to thanks MA Nissan Dealers for sharing this information with us.


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