A Vintage Look at Our Dismal Future: The Social Vacuum

Social Vacuum Thumb

This may be done tongue and cheek, but it’s not only possible but sadly it’s something that is, in one form or another, likely.

As we (d)evolve as a society towards integration of the most mundane facets of our daily lives into our social stream, what’s next? Will many start auto-tracking every move they make on Foursquare or Facebook places? Will every food that we order or cook find its way onto our Twitter stream? Will it become more commonplace to post pictures of every activity on our Tumblr?

“A view from the bathroom stall at Red Lobster: (Link). Clean, not a lot of graffiti.”


Our friends at GetSatisfaction put together this “vintage” ad of the Social Vacuum. “It tweets what it eats.” While this may seem impossible, there are already trees that Tweet, police departments that Tweet out stolen car information, and execution details hitting Twitter. Is a household appliance that Tweets that far-fetched?

We hope so.

Social Vacuum


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