Advertising has yet to catch up to time spent on mobile phones

Advertising has yet to Catch Up to Time Spent on Mobile Phones

The use of mobile phones has dramatically increased; in fact you probably own a Smartphone and perhaps even reading this article from it, people much like yourself enjoy being able to remain connected to Technology even whilst on the go.

Therefore the rising boom of Smartphones will increase and has already surpassed PC sales making it 1 billion smartphones that are currently in use and 6 billion mobile phones (that aren’t smartphones) still active, yet people are continuously converting and will continue, soon enough anything other than a smartphone or greater will cease to exist.

Although smartphones have yet to out sell regular cell phones, their impact has been tremendous. Contributing 10% to total web traffic as well as accounting 50% of traffic to social sites such as Twitter etc. So how are advertisements being implemented into mobile? They’re not.

With such an increase in mobile use, Advertisers are stuck behind in the times trying to catch up to the incline in smartphones and the future of the Internet. Thus far, sponsored stories have been most effective by being less intrusive to the user.

That is the obstacle ads will need to overcome, is to be able to create a format for ads that will keep websites making money without annoying the mobileverse. The more time it takes to figure out this issue the more time mobile users are getting used to being ad free and therefore will not welcome any type of advertising while they are on their phones. Not that advertisements has ever been popular, even websites are in need of finding clever ways such as adding it as the background of their website.

So how will ads move beyond search and display ads? How will they creatively add advertisements that will not go unseen without encroaching on the user? Time will tell, but if money is looking to be made advertisers need not wait on making mobile a priority.


  1. Mobile is getting 10% of consumers attention, but just 1% of advertising spend. post about it here: This might be due to lack of focus, with users multi-tasking on phones and not so much with magazines etc. Advertisers certainly need to step up their game to get the attention of mobile users.


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