Following a purported Galaxy S6 AnTuTu benchmark test that leaked online last week and revealed many of the phone’s most important specs, a second image showing a similar benchmark test has popped up online, via Dutch website, listing the same set of specs for the upcoming Samsung flagship handset. SM-G925F, the codename believed to be assigned to the Galaxy S6, will feature a Quad HD (2560 x 1440 resolution) display, octa-core processor, Mali-T768 graphics processing unit, and a 16-megapixel rear-facing camera. The device also happens to be running Android 5.0 Lollipop.
Someone careless is playing around with a prototype Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G925F), leaking it not once, but twice now in a synthetic benchmark database. The alleged Galaxy S6 model has appeared on AnTuTu once again, and the screenshot this time is with exactly a Quad HD (1440 x 2560 pixels) resolution, indicating that the eventual S6 might stick with the physical home key that has an embedded fingerprint sensor underneath the display. This, coupled with the rumors for a 5.5″ screen diagonal, means that we might not see any wonders with the screen-to-body ratio of Samsung’s upcoming flagship, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet. The chipset listed is an octa-core endeavor with ARMv8 instructions set, and a Mali-T768 graphics unit. This could only be Samsung’s upcoming Exynos 7420, part of the new 7 Octa family, that features 64-bit architecture, clock speeds up to 1.8 GHz, and is done with the trendy 20nm process. It will eventually be paired with a tri-band LTE Category 10 modem, too.
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