iPhone 6 rumors are indicating that the next Apple smartphone will have a curved chassis design and similar display glass, which differs from the square design employed in the past. Apple Insider, citing Japanese blog Mac Otakara, said that the “iPhone 6” will have “rounded edges” and will have curved glass in a similar manner to the Samsung Galaxy S III. Apple Insider says that the blog has had success in the past with leaks about Apple products.
Take this with a pinch of iSalt, perhaps, but a new set of alleged iPhone 6 renderings have surfaced online. Hailing from the Ukrainian website UkrainianiPhone, they confirm a lot of what we’re already expecting — including the relocated sleep/wake button (moved to the side to make it more easily usable with the larger form factor) and a circular iSight flash. One notable difference between this design and the mock-ups we’ve seen in the past, however, relates to the device’s rear shell. While previous renderings show a solid back cover, these shots suggest that Apple is leaving breaks in the chassis for the antenna.
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