Ambi Climate brings smart home capabilities to regular air conditioners

As technology gets more advanced, we are starting to automate things in our home. After all we have devices like smart thermostats, smart smoke detectors, wall plugs that allows us to turn on and off our lights remotely, smart lightbulbs that allows us to adjust the brightness and color of them, so it’s hardly a surprise that we now have devices that allows us to better manage home electronics like air-conditioning.

Ambi Climate wants to democratize smart home climate control with a device that brings learning climate management to standalone window air conditioner units, central air systems, freestanding systems or the single room machines more common in Europe and Asia, so long as the existing system can work with an IR-based blaster or remote. It originally launched in July on Asia-specific crowdfunding site Crowdtivate, but now it’s looking to expand its audience in North America.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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