Apple acquires developer of rapid-fire camera app

Apple has acquired the one-man photo technology startup SnappyLabs, maker of SnappyCam. The startup was founded and run solely by John Papandriopoulos, an electrical engineering PhD from the University Of Melbourne who invented a way to make the iPhone’s camera take full-resolution photos at 20 to 30 frames per second, significantly faster than Apple’s native iPhone camera.

Apple has reportedly purchased the company behind the photography app SnappyCam, which enables the iPhone to take continuous, full-res pictures at higher speeds than the native camera. Following the app’s recent disappearance from the App Store, TechCrunch brings word that the one-man SnappyLabs operation is now under Apple’s command. The SnappyCam app, made it possible for the iPhone’s camera to snap full resolution shots at between 20-30 frames per second, depending on the iPhone model and up to 60fps at lower resolution.

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