I am quite sure that many years ago, should someone walk up to you and told you that Apple’s computers would run on Windows and Intel processors one day, you would probably dismiss that as a loony bin who escaped from the nearest mental ward. The future proved to be correct on both counts at one point or another, and hence this time around, it is not that strange to hear that Apple might very well be working on an iTunes app for the Android platform.
Apple has opened exploratory talks with senior label executives about the possibility of launching an on-demand streaming service that would rival Spotify and Beats Music, according to three people familiar with the talks. Apple is also thinking about adding an iTunes App for Android phones, the Google rival that has been growing faster than the iPhone, these sources said. The surprising discussions are part of a multi-pronged strategy to deal with the double-digit decline in U.S. download sales at Apple’s iTunes Music Store, the largest music retailer. Apple is considering a range of efforts to support the iTunes Store.