If you’re a Mac user and you downloaded this week’s Mac OS X update (Mavericks 10.9.3), you may have noticed that your computer’s Users/ and Users/Shared/ folders have disappeared. It turns out the disappearance is due to a security flaw in iTunes 11.2, which was part of the OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 update. The flaw is only really serious on iMacs and MacBooks with multiple user accounts, as it lets one account compromise the other accounts on the same computer.
Apple might not feel the pressure to rush when it comes to releasing new product lines like the iWatch, but it sure can rush when it needs to. Yesterday 1 comment that saw people’s /Users and /Users/Shared folders disappearing if they had updated to iTunes 11.2 and had Find My Mac enabled. While we offered a couple of workarounds to the problem, Apple sprung into action to create a more permanent solution, which takes the form of iTunes version 11.2.1. The update will ensure that your folder returns, and stay there even after you reboot. Recommended for all Macs, you’ll find it on the Mac App Store or under Software Update in your Apple Menu. Definitely beats Terminal commands and an AppleScript hack!
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