Apple Looking Into A Telephonic MacBook – That Even SOUNDS Retro

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Even I have to admit that wandering around town looking for an unguarded WiFi signal blows, and I’m not about to drop the cost of a USB internet stick. My laptop cost enough on its own, thanks.

Luckily, it would seem Apple’s looking into it, recently filing patents for a telephonic laptop featuring a magnetically coupled antenna. Mobile communications being what they are, this would only seem to make sense, and in terms of tech, is a great step forward.

But on the other hand, as a designer, I’m left wondering. If Apple has a commitment to one thing, and one thing only, that is form factor. An Apple product has to be pretty. But looking at this diagram… how do you make an extendable antenna look pretty in 2010? That’s so 80s. I don’t care how you slice it. But then again, maybe Apple won’t either, and usher in an age where everything gets all boxy and cumbersome again. Maybe the iPhone 5 will be absolutely enormous on purpose.

Oh, wait, the iPad’s out already.

Never mind.


  1. I am sure the designers at Apple will find a way to make it look pretty. Should be pretty interesting to see how this device looks when/if released.


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