More than 13% of all photos uploaded to Flickr last year came from a Canon camera, which shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. What is surprising, however, is that Nikon lost its second place position behind Canon to Apple. This demonstrates just how dominant the iPhone is in the world of smartphone photography.
Flickr is an online photo sharing service used by photographers, both amateur and professional, from around the world. Some interesting data has come in from the service which shows just how much dominance the iPhone has in the world of smartphone photography. Flickr has released a list of top five overall camera brands on its service for 2014, and comparing that with the list of 2013, one sees that Apple jumped ahead of Nikon last year. Over 10 billion photos were posted on Flickr in 2014 and the service saw a total of 100 million unique users using many different cameras from different brands. The top five brands remained the same throughout 2013 and 2014, what changed was their position on the list.