Apple’s acquisition of Beats might be delayed due to complications

Over three weeks ago, rumors from multiple sources rocked the tech world and made it seem that Apple would almost certainly purchase headphone maker Beats Electronics for some $3.2 billion. But since then, there’s been nary a peep from Apple. Of course, the deal was only in “advanced stages” according to those early reports, and it seems something may be causing negotiations to drag on longer than expected. Billboard has spoken with multiple sources close to the discussions who’ve provided some details on what may be causing the delay.

When news broke on Thursday May 8 that Apple was in talks to buy Jimmy Iovine and Dr Dre’s Beats Electronics for a shocking $3.2 billion the deal’s closure seemed imminent. In fact Billboard’s sources repeatedly said late that day, the transaction would be announced the following Monday…“Tuesday, latest.” Well, Monday and Tuesday passed and we were assured the deal would actually be announced early this week. By early this week we were told it would now be announced next week. We, like other outlets, have been reassured the deal is happening…or as close to definitely happening as any source is willing to say given they’re speaking on background.  (Although the scuttlebutt on the Silicon Valley anonymous gossip app Secret might say otherwise.)

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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