The long-rumored wearable computer from Apple, affectionately known as the iWatch, has reportedly gone into production. Reports of the highly anticipated device’s production run cropped up in the Tuesday edition of Taiwan-based China Times. Citing sources in Apple’s supply chain in Asia, the site claims that part of the production includes advanced SiP modules, which can contain a processor, DRAM and flash memory
It looks like Apple’s iWatch is good to go. G4Games has translated an article in China Times claiming that Apple’s suppliers have already started producing Apple’s first wearable computer in limited quantities ahead of its release in the fall of 2014. China Times’ sources say that manufacturers will ship out between 2 million to 3 million iWatches in the second quarter this year ahead of the fall launch, a number that will swell to between 14 million to 15 million units by the end of the third quarter. That’s a lot of iWatches, so if China Times’ report is accurate it sounds like Apple is very confident that it’s going to sell a lot of wearable computers this fall.