Are you actually eating organic food? There is an appcessory for that

Are you actually eating organic food There is an appcessory for that

You want to eat healthy and live in an environment that is going to do you no harm. Yet, how do you really know if the food on your plate is truly organic, or what types of toxicities are in the air around you?

Lapka Electronics has made appcessories for your phone to be ready this fall. With a stainless steel medical grade probe, you are able to test the levels of nitrates in raw foods and drinking water to locate if there are any synthetic fertilizers which will ensure that what is going in your mouth is the organic food you chose to eat without being tricked.

Lapka will also sell an EMF so you can check for electronic magnetic fields to find a spot at home with the least electromagnetic pollution, as well as an appcessory for you to find the perfect temperature with their Lapka Humidity and with their Lapka Radiation, each particle will be counted and visualized so you can find out about any radio activity that is around you and even if it is affecting you.


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