Ashley Madison’s owners are now facing a $578 million lawsuit

Exposing someone’s infidelity can ruin their lives, and I can only imagine how many lives have been affected by the recent Ashley Madison hack, which leaked the information of millions of the extramarital dating website’s users. It’s only natural for some of these people to seek recompense, which is why it’s not at all surprising that couple of of Canadian law firms has filed a $578 million class-action lawsuit against Ashley Madison’s owners. 

Fallout from the high-profile hack of extramarital dating website Ashley Madison is showing no signs of slowing down. A pair of Canadian law firms has filed a $578 million class-action lawsuit against the site’s owners, Avid Dating Life Inc. and Avid Life Media Inc. Ontario-based Charney Lawyers and Sutts, Strosberg LLP filed the suit on behalf of Eliot Shore who said he joined the site for a brief time after his wife lost her battle with breast cancer. Shore maintains he never used the site to cheat and didn’t even meet up with any other members of Ashley Madison. The law firms say the suit was filed on behalf of Canadians that joined the site whose personal information has since been leaked. Ashley Madison didn’t immediately respond to a request from the Associated Press for comment. The site has said that the leaked user data doesn’t prove the infidelity of its members.

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