Avatar Blu-Ray/DVD to be released three times. Yeah, you read that right.

avatarIn what we can only assume is a move designed to make James Cameron both the richest and most evil man on Earth, today we learned that Fox is going to release the home version of ‘the most popular movie EVAH’ three times. Yep. Three separate times.

The first, coming to North America on April 22nd, will be a bare-bones 2-D disc that will only feature the movie.

Fox claims – with a straight face, mind you – that this was done both to ensure the best quality picture and sound, but also to coincide with Earth Day.

The second dip into your wallet will be a full-featured “Ultimate Edition” of the film, complete with an array of special features, but still in 2-D, and will arrive in November in time for the holiday shopping season.

Of course, it was 3-D that was the big sell for Avatar. But those looking to see Pandora in all its three dimensional glory will have to wait until at least 2011 for a special 3-D Blu-Ray edition. Fox is hoping that by then, more people will have 3-D-capable televisions and players in their homes – and possibly that they would have forgotten about those other 2 copies they will have already bought.

[As Reported By: Reuters]


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