‘Bad Guys’ Abroad Choose iPhone

RambphoneApparently, the Taliban have been outwitting Australian forces in Afghanistan by using a relatively inexpensive tool of war: the iPhone.

Can someone explain to me how while I can barely get a signal in downtown Toronto, the middle of a desert is getting coverage enough to wage war?

According to Australia’s Department of Defense chief technology officer Matt Yannopoilos, “bad guys” are “using iPhones and applications — and multiple SIM cards — and going much faster than we are.” Despite the military having more intelligence, the iPhones allow near-instantaneous transmission of important information.

“Information is what is the thing to sort out in a modern warfare,” Yannopoilos explains. “It’s less about how much lead you can rain down on somebody and more about: Do you know where they are? Do you know what they are doing? And how do you get that information to your forces?”

It would seem the iPhone is how, Matt.

I think I might have to have a little talk with Roger’s about my plan.

[Via ZDNet]


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