Banish the dryer monster with Blacksocks

Banish the dryer monster with Blacksocks

I know I have lost more socks than humanly possible and am always in awe as to where they wonder off to. It does get tiresome looking for one sock to complete a pair and I often blame it on the dryer monster, he is up there with the tooth fairy and Easter bunny…

I want to take back my sock privilege and banish the dryer monster for good, and now I can with a smarter sock that uses RFID buttons that have been invented by Blacksocks, a company who clearly understands the frustration when running late for work due to a missing sock.

The Blacksocks will not only help you find your evading sock with a remote, it will make sorting socks a lot easier (I know I have this issue too) as well as let you know how long you have owned and worn the sock.

The information is sent to your iPhone and you will be able to call yourself the Sock Bounty Hunter… fight the fight for your right for socks!


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