Barnes & Noble releases more Nooks with help from Samsung

Barnes & Noble may not have developed a tablet of its own for quite some time now but its relationship with Samsung seems to be flourishing quite nicely. Both companies have already released one Nook-branded tablet and today they’re out with another one: the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook 10.1. As you would expect the hardware end is all Samsung while the tablet comes with some software tweaks courtesy of Barnes & Noble.

Barnes & Noble announced a new, 10.1-inch Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK today. This launch extends Barnes & Noble’s existing partnership with Samsung, where they provide the hardware and Barnes & Noble tweaks the software to sell books. The new device follows Barnes & Noble’s 7-inch Galaxy Tab 4 Nook and costs $299.99 after a $50 rebate. Like the last Nook experiment, Barnes & Noble’s new “Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK” stands out as a unique product only through its modifications to Android — and the content in the Barnes & Noble store. Otherwise, we’re looking at a standard Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1. Barnes & Noble’s marketing pitch for the new device follows an industry-wide trend: Bigger is apparently better.

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