
Is space internet possible?

 Back in 1998, two companies tried to connect voice and data services around the world.  The purpose was to...

Why Google decided to give everyone 15GB

When Google debuted its Gmail e-mail service in 2004, the Internet community thought it was a joke. Not just...

Wringing out a washcloth in space is the coolest thing you’ll see all day

Some would call it a slow news day. We call it an epic day for space, for Canada, and...

Tardigrades survive just about anything and scientists still don’t know why

They can survive temperatures near absolute zero or as high as 300 degrees. The crushing pressure at the bottom...

Dreaming of being an astronaut just got easier

The childhood bed has been the place where many dreams of traveling through space have manifested. Since before Neil...

NASA set to launch 13k square foot solar sail as early as next year

The term "solar sailing" was first coined by Arthur C. Clarke in the 1964 book "Sunjammer" but the roots...

In space, nuts in a can might freak you out

"Mixed Nuts in Space."No, it's not a sci-fi comedy starring Simon Pegg or a strange space porno. It could...

How a Canadian astronaut cuts his nails on the International Space Station

Things that we take for granted can be challenging in zero gravity. Take cutting your finger nails, for instance....

NASA jumps the gun, tells us why the world didn’t end ahead of it not actually ending

When you're talking about why the world didn't end yesterday, the normal way to do so is to make...