“Take a Bit Out of Crime” is a phrase that was often uttered by McGruff the Crime Dog, a fictional dog who despised criminals for reasons I am unsure about (we never did see his origin story, here’s to hoping for a Christopher Nolan directed “McGruff Begins”). The famous PSA character did his best to provide a good example and keep people from committing crimes. Now, Facebook may be doing the same exact thing by accident.
More and more people are committing crimes, whether they are aware of it or not and then they brag about their illegal exploits on their Facebook page. It’s never a good idea to commit a crime, but I’d say it’s an even worse idea to commit one and then publish an account of it for the entire world to see.
Another poor idea is to walk into an internet café, login to your Facebook account, and then rob the place and flee before logging out. Two criminals in Colombia recently did this exact thing and were promptly caught when an employee at the internet café relayed their Facebook information to the police.
The main point I am trying to make is to not commit crime; it’s a bad idea. However, if you absolutely feel the need to commit a crime and want to increase your chances of not getting caught, avoid social media at all costs. Unless you hire an online marketing firm that is really good at managing your reputation social media just isn’t going to work out for you. Move over McGruff, there’s a new sheriff in town called Facebook and his first deputy is a man named Zuckerberg.