Justin Maas

Justin Maas is a social media community manager at fishbat. He has worked on accounts in a variety of industries such as skin care, jewelry, and food. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Miami with a BSC in Advertising.

Beware of social media peeping toms

We’ve all been in the same powerless position at some point in our lives, staring at the Facebook privacy settings tab and having no...

Social media and the “ironic” hit

Social media has clearly permeated out lives so much that it is now influencing the other media that we consume. This is extremely clear...

Facebook is better than McGruff

“Take a Bit Out of Crime” is a phrase that was often uttered by McGruff the Crime Dog, a fictional dog who despised criminals...

The social media wedding planner

You’ve finally met the right person. They have all the qualities you love and look for in a significant other. Now you’re engaged and...

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