Facebook is taking another step into the world of e-commerce

It seems like every social network out there is starting to adopt a “buy” button in one form or another, and Facebook is certainly no exception. While the company has dabbled into the world of e-commerce in the past, Buzzfeed is reporting that Facebook’s first true venture into the market could come in the form of miniature e-commerce sites that can be embedded in a retailer’s Facebook page. 

Forget the Like button: Facebook wants you to hit the Buy button instead. Buzzfeed reports that Zuckerberg & C0. is testing new, miniature e-commerce sites that are embedded within the Facebook pages of retailers. While they’re currently in the testing phase, the idea is to conduct the entire shopping experience within Facebook. There, “buy” buttons allow consumers to spot an item they like and see the transaction all the way through to completion at checkout. It’s not clear what format the shopping experience takes, but a mock-up supplied by Facebook at the top of the page suggests it might looks a bit like browsing a gallery of photographs. Buzzfeed reports that Facebook is working with a number of retailers—somewhere “in the double digits,” whatever that may mean—to test the stores.

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