I’m confident I’ve used that headline gag before. Whatever.
If you’re used to the legend-status security of a Mac, better check your damn self – a security oversight in FaceTime fo Mac could land you with an enormous iTunes bill, if you’re not careful.
Seems that in signing into FaceTime for Mac, a user can change one’s Apple ID password to whatever he or she wants (provided it satisfies the password rules) without having to input the old password – leaving your iTunes account up for the taking, assuming your enemy has physical access to your computer.
Based on that fact of physical proximity, I don’t think this’ll be much of a big deal – the worst horror stories we’ll hear will likely be of siblings spitefully downloading …I dunno, whatever kids listen to these days… on each others’ dime.
Still, though, protect ya neck, and wait to download FaceTime (if you haven’t already) until after Apple has provided a fix.
Adriana Marquees says
Wao… Good to know… I better dont use it. Not worthy.