Home Automotive Faraday Future could be both a Tesla-killer and an Uber-killer

Faraday Future could be both a Tesla-killer and an Uber-killer


I’m not sure if I’m so interested in Faraday Future because of how mysterious and secretive it is, or because it has such an impressive list of employees that includes veterans from both the automotive and technology industries. Probably both. Despite the fact that the company has been popping up in the news a lot lately, we still know next to nothing about it aside from the fact that it’s working on an electric and possibly autonomous vehicle. The recent teaser video that the company released creates more questions than it answers, but it does suggest that Faraday Future’s business model could be much different than traditional automakers, possibly having more in common with ride-sharing services.

The latest video from Faraday Future, the secretive electric car company, has gone so far as to let slip a look at (what might be) a silhouette of one of its to-be-revealed vehicles. The clip is bouncy — but aside from showing millennials relaxing, checking out a movie and shopping in the rain, there wasn’t much for those watching to see what FF plans to put on the road. However, there is a question among the dialogue that asks “What if you didn’t so much own a car, as use one, whenever you need it.” That could be a reference to the promise of an autonomous vehicle. FF Senior Vice President and co-founder Nick Sampson has said the Faraday plan involves “a car that, perhaps, just turns up, as you need it…you can just call it up on your phone, or pre-book it, or it’ll just know that you need it because you’re scheduled to go somewhere,” during a November interview with The Verge. We do know they have a creative team of designers that have worked at well-known luxury car companies. And that Nevada representatives approved a $335 million incentive package to bring Faraday Future’s planned billion-dollar factory to Las Vegas. The company has made it clear it expects to have cars on the road in 2017. Back in July 2015, Motortrend wrote the FF battery will be a multi-cell solution like what fellow e-car company Tesla uses but offer 15 percent higher energy than what the Tesla Model S provides.


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