As military and domestic surveillance technology continues to advance, many fear a “Big Brother” society that is emerging around us. It’s no longer just terrorists that are being targeted by drones and cellular tracking according to some conspiracy theorists. The various governments around the world including the United States are secretly installing ways to covertly track and account for everyone if the “wackos” are to be believed.
For those who buy into the possibilities, there’s Stealth Wear. New York artist Adam Harvey has designed a heat-censor-shielding cloak that when seen through the infrared eyes of drones and other surveillance equipment makes the wearer appear to be a pair of disembodied legs. The hoodie and photographs of its capabilities are now being presented by Primitive at Tank Magazine HQ in London. Included with the anti-drone hoodie and scarf are a shirt that shields the heart from airport scanners, a phone pocket that blocks transmissions, and other personal privacy devices that may be on sale in the future.
Here are some other images of the work.