For the Pirate Who Has Everything

I’ve seen some pretty ballin’ casemods lately, not the least interesting of which was a Hackintosh-in-a-box that needed to be hotwired just to turn off. But where that boxmod got my propers for being ghetto, this one what I’m about to get drrty on gets them for being blinged to the nines. How much space does your desktop have? What’s the norm these days, like, 1TB? 2? I think I’ve got just shy of 3. Most of us will never use that much space. I’m an insatiable media pirate and even I’m still reasonably comfy. But some of us just can’t get enough. Observe and behold: straight outta Russia comes this casemod that has room enough for not 2, not 3, not 30, but seventy f***ing terabytes of storage. Combining the might of 60 hard drives, the maker of this PC now has seventy thousand gigabytes to do with what he will. To top it off, he’s got 40 fans to cool the whole machine down. But what I want to know is – why wood? I’ve seen high-performance PCs with one hard drive that required an all-mesh case to stay cool, and you think a wooden box is a good idea for sixty hard drives? Look at that thing, the wood’s got to be half an inch thick, at least! Bad call, dude. terabyte 06 terabyte 08 terabyte 10 terabyte 13

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Ty Dunitz
Ty Dunitz
Ty is an illustrator who stays up too late and must wear glasses.


  1. Why Wood?

    Because he used what was available to him at the time of construction. I’m sure that if he had a sturdy mesh material he would have used that.

    You gonna offer to send the parts you’d prefer to him? Thought not..

  2. Someone doesn’t understand how air flow works. If you have room, making a case of wood is actually brilliant. Mesh doesn’t let you control what the air is doing, which means pockets of warm air in random places and lots of cool air far away from the components, exactly where you don’t want it. A solid material lets you channel the fresh air exactly where you need it, and efficiently channel the warm air back out.


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