All I can say is that I definitely paid too much for my Mac Pro.
One of the fellas at One Block Off the Grid was having trouble running AfterEffects on his Mac. It was time for a new machine. So, after purchasing 800 bucks worth of parts on Amazon, he decided to assemble them not in a PC case, but in the very box they came in. The result is a laugh-worthy (and ugly as hell (and totally awesome)) assemblage that needs to be basically hotwired just to turn on. I don’t think there’s ever been a machine more worthy of the ‘Hackintosh’ name.
High five, guys.
You think he can give us a list of parts? that’b rad.
Really you have done a great job and what you have done is interesting and new thing.What i feel is if the video clip is more clear it would be better for understanding it is just my advice.
I want one.
Where can I find the details?
Jeez – they could have bought a case for around $30 which would have a real power switch.
Spent $850 for parts, and nobody wanted to spend a few dollars for a power switch?
Later, Seeker