Foxconn is in talks with Sharp to help build displays for Apple’s devices

Foxconn is the Chinese company that helps Apple assemble some of their products, like the iPhone, for example. As for the actual components themselves, Apple tends to source them from a variety of companies. For example with its displays, Apple has tapped companies like LG Display, Samsung, Japan Display, and Sharp, just to name a few, but it looks like Foxconn could be interested in helping Sharp pick up the slack. According to a report from a Taiwanese publication, United Daily News, Foxconn is reportedly in talks with Sharp to use their technology to help produce displays for Appleโ€™s iPhone. Like we said earlier, Apple uses several manufacturers to create components for their products. This is to help increase efficiency while not giving one particular manufacturer too much power.

Apple’s main assembly partner, Foxconn, is in talks to use Sharp technology to help build iPhone and iPad displays, says Taiwanese publication the United Daily News. Sharp is one of several companies already involved in producing displays for Apple products; if Foxconn itself can build displays, though, it could reduce supply bottlenecks, streamline development, and/or reduce Apple’s dependence on other panel suppliers, which include LG Display, Japan Display, and Samsung. Samsung in particular is a likely target for Apple. The two companies have been squaring off legally and in the marketplace, and where possible Apple has tried to lower its dependence on Samsung parts. The latter is, however, one of the few manufacturers capable of handling chip and display production on the scale Apple needs. Foxconn and Sharp have collaborated in the past; they entered into a strategic partnership in 2012, and opened an iPhone display plant in Chengdu, China. At one point Foxconn was expected to secure a 10 percent share of Sharp, but those plans fell through.

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