Hacker Mods His iPhone to Run Android

He may not be able to call anyone on his Android-iPhone hybrid, but blogger and erstwhile hacker David Wang (known more widely by his handle, planetbeing) can surf wi-fi and perform most of the other tasks associated with a smartphone with the beast that he has created. Any task that doesn’t require audio support can be performed on the Android-modded iPhone.

After the modification, the Android OS can be accessed easily from the boot menu via an Android icon, allowing you to choose either the Android OS or the iPhone OS. Very handy once you do want to return your device into phone mode.

Audio support is coming from David Wang and other developers that are helping him out with the modding project within the next few days – we’ll keep you posted and let you know when they’ve got the full monty version ready to go.

If you want to know how to do it, watch the video or check his blog for more updates.

Source: PC World


  1. Nice baby! Thats great, imagine how cool it would be if there were no money battles, instead open source OS 4.

  2. Superb! .. an os selection boot menu!..and android on the iphone is one thing that’ll make my android friends to pull their hair out 😛


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