Hitachi has plans to work on what they deem to be the ‘world’s fastest’ lift in China, where it is touted to be able to hit floor 95 right from the bottom in a mere 43 seconds. Now that’s super fast, and I would like to think that the amount of time you would spend waiting for the lift to stop at your floor in a high density building would be a whole lot more than your travel time, vertically speaking of course.
Hitachi has said it will install a lift capable of reaching speeds of 72km/h (45mph) into a skyscraper in Guangzhou, southern China. The lift, the fastest in the world, would take 43 seconds to go from the first to 95th floor in the Guangzhou CTF Financial Centre, the company said. The skyscraper is scheduled to be completed in 2016. Currently, the Taipei 101 building in Taiwan holds the record for fastest lift – it can travel up to 60.6km/h. Hitachi promised a “comfortable ride” even at high speeds in the new lift. The lifts would prevent ear blockages, Hitachi said, by artificially altering air pressure in the car.
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