How to have the enviable cell phone

We all remember the massive creations that were the first portable phones. Most people have owned a “bag phone” at some point in their lives. There was a period of time when those with the smallest cell phone were on the cutting edge. In the decades since the original production, cell phones have become an indispensable item. They’re the new Master Card; don’t leave home without them.

There are passionate debates about whether Apple’s IOS or Android can provide the best phones.   Both systems have their passionate loyalists, and each of them will defend their choice with the same gusto that used to be reserved for political debates. Providers or carriers are often a hot button topic as everyone believes their service is the best one. So, how do we sort out the hype from the truth and determine which of the newest, hottest phones is the best one for us?

The best way to determine what phone you need is first to explore what phones your carrier stocks. This differs with each and every provider, and often there’s an impressive selection from which to choose. New phones are often offered at a discount with a two-year contract, and this will prove tremendously helpful in the selection process. It is important in this step to not become overwhelmed with your choices and move on to the next step to narrow things down quite a bit.

The second most important duty is to decide on a price range and what features are important. If you’re a constant selfie taker, then a front facing camera is going to be quite an important function. If Instagram is a regular part of your day to day life, both front and rear facing cameras with a decent megapixel will be perfect for taking photos of your food or your children. Gamers would be inclined to look for a cell phone that is both speedy and has a great screen resolution. There are many options available, but each individual buyer must decide what is important and what is within their price range.

There is a massive array of reviews available to the average consumer, and once you’ve narrowed down your choices, it is important to read them. Sometimes, a phone can have every feature you desire, but is less user-friendly that other models that have the same options. It’s not an easy process, however, as you will encounter reviews that are written by bitter customers, the chronic angry reviewer, and people that provide no description other than a five star rating. Taking some time, as a cell phone has become somewhat of an investment, is a necessary evil.

Apple’s newest phone is the IPhone 6 and the IPhone 6 Plus. Both of these phones will provide all of the traditional convenience features that come with an Apple phone. IPhones are excellent in that they offer both a phone and an MP3 player in one simple device. They also tend to be incredibly user friendly, but offer little in terms of customization. This is not the phone for you if you want custom ring tones, non-standard text alerts, and font personalization. However, if you want a speedy phone with a lot of great options and a fair amount of battery life, the IPhone is perfect.

Samsung has flooded the market with their incredible selection of really good phones. Both the Galaxy S5 and the Note 4 are huge sellers. Fans of the Samsung design are anxiously awaiting the release of the S6, as well. This phone comes in some fun colors, has an incredible amount of megapixels for photographers (better than some digital cameras), and is easily personalized. Choose your ringtone, the font of your texts, and everything else under the sun. The Note 4 also comes with a stylus built into it for easy note taking, thus making it an excellent phone for busy professionals that are always on the go.

Cell phone giant Motorolla is still constructing quality cell phones that are loaded with options. They may not be as flashy as their competitors, but they are an accessible phone that would be great for the novice user. They also come in at a much lower price than their dressed up competitors, with a great deal of speed. Most reviewers wish for a better camera, but otherwise they’re fairly positive.

LG has also emerged as a front runner in the phone manufacturing business making phones for most carriers including prepaid services like Tracfone and Straight Talk. When considering what cell phone you might want, LG certainly offers the most options. They usually come with an impressive camera, a lot of personalization options, and they’re much less complicated to operate than other android phones. The fact that they’re backed by an electronics giant, like LG, is just another note in the pro column.

Whether you’re looking for form or function when it comes to a new phone, chances are that will be many options. If you’re having trouble choosing, ask your friends what they like about their phones, and it’s likely that they will have a lengthy list of features. In a world where cell phones are conversation starters and reputation enhancers, the choice is yours.


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