How to win big in the app market

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Every day there are new mobile games being released. Some gain instant popularity, while others flop. What makes games the most popular? Being user friendly is a must, and games need to be something that everyone would enjoy. Sports games seem to be among the most popular genre. Speaking of sports games, lets take a look at this success story of Hothead games, and how with the help of Cloudant, they sky rocketed to the number one spot in just a couple days.

Hothead games is an award-winning, independent game development studio focused on mobile games, for iOS and Android. In March 2012 their game “Big Win Soccer” became a featured app, and usage soared overnight. Just within 2 days of it’s launch it became number one in the sport category in the Apple app store.

Hothead games then decided to use Cloudant services. They moved their data layer to the Cloudant cloud database service, and thus began their relationship. Cloudant provides the worlds first globally distributed data layer as service. During the next sixteen weeks, Hothead released two more successful games, both of which reached number one status in multiple countries.

Check out this infographic presented by Cloudant to learn more about Hothead games mobile game success story.

How to Win Big in the App Market [Infographic]
© 2012 Cloudant


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