We’re starting to lose track of all the different Android Wear devices announced since Google first unveiled the new operating system back in June, but now you can add another smartwatch to the list. Speaking to Engadget, Huawei revealed its plans to launch an Android Wear smartwatch sometime next year, though the company wouldn’t offer many details on the upcoming wearable device. Huawei says the upcoming smartwatch will be “innovate and beautiful,” but wouldn’t say whether the device would sport a square or circular display. Company CEO Richard Yu also took a shot at the Gear S, claiming his mysterious device would look nicer than Samsung’s curved AMOLED device.
Huawei hasn’t exactly been keeping quiet about its very own wearable device, so today’s announcement of its TalkBand B1 should be no surprise to anyone. As shown in the earlier leaks, it has a 1.4-inch flexible OLED display on the band, but what hasn’t been obvious until now is that it also supports wireless calling — there’s a removable earpiece tucked inside it, which explains the 14.6mm-thick bulk. Like any good wearable, the device also has fitness tracking features: It records how many steps you’ve taken, how far you’ve travelled and how many calories you’ve burned. It’s also a sleeping pattern monitor, so you can use the smart alarm function to wake up at the optimal time. There’s NFC here for pairing with phones, and the 90mAh battery promises six days worth of usage (but takes two hours to charge up). There’s no price announced just yet, but the B1 will be out in China next month, whereas Japan, the Middle East, Russia and Western Europe will have to wait until Q2 2014.
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