Intel will power computers that run both Android and Windows

It barely got a mention at Intel’s CES 2014 press conference this evening, but Dual OS is real. The company confirmed that Intel processors will power computers that can switch between Windows and Android with the press of a button. Intel demonstrated the technology on a laptop during the company’s press conference, right after introducing “Intel Device Protection Technology,” an idea that should help Intel-based Android devices meet corporate standards for enterprise security.

Intel hasn’t elaborated much on the topic of dual OS platforms, but it got a mention at CEO Brian Krzanich’s CES keynote — when he confirmed the company will power devices that run both Windows and Android. This means simply pressing a button on a device such as a laptop will see it switch operating systems. The idea surfaced earlier this year when Samsung unveiled the ATIV Q, a new tablet-slider that runs two different operating systems simultaneously, Windows 8 and Android version 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean).

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