Hey, remember Antennagate? No? Well, I’m bringing it back up again, for old time’s sake, if only to remind you that as far as Apple’s concerned, this business is old hat. It’s done. Everyone, just stop it. Have a free case, and gtfo.
Actually, that’s really all I’m here to tell you: that the free bumper dealie is ending on September 30th, so you’d best get on that, if you’re at all interested in $30 of molded rubber for free.
If you’ve already got an iPhone, you can simply download the app and choose a new Snuggie for your phone. But even if you don’t have an iPhone 4 yet, you can still get one. Just call AppleCare. Seriously, you may as well – if you have any intent on even possibly buying an iPhone any time soon, you’d do well to take advantage of this. iPhone cases are ridonkulously expensive. Hell, I’m calling right now.
But again, hurry it up. As far as Apple’s concerned, no more of this antenna nonsense. If you never end up buying an iPhone 4, you can always use your free bumper as, like… Iunno, some sort of… coaster mouthguard toaster slot companion reminder of your ineffable sense of initiative.
you are really advertising for apple! I hate you …
usually blogs by fanboys don’t do well
I have an iPhone 4. The signal or “antennagate” has never been an issue for me, EVER. I suspect many more are like me. I ordered the free bumper case and it sits on my desk in the packaging it came in, unused. Apple should never have given in to the negative hype. Oh, and I’m by no means a “fanboy”.
hipsters disclaim their namesake too.